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Apr 17, 2014
Tutorial : Springy Text in C4D
Here is a tutorial on the delay effector and what It could do in Cinema 4D. I also talk about the fracture object and how that can be...
Mar 30, 2014
Tutorial : Building An Object with Step Effector
Here is a tutorial on how you can build any kind of object in Cinema 4D using the step effector.
Mar 29, 2014
Tutorial : C4D Camera Animation Techniques
Here is a tutorial on techniques you can use to animate cameras in Cinema 4D. Enjoy!
Mar 29, 2014
Tutorial Features!
My tutorials have been featured on a few websites. Thanks for the support! Lester Step Effector Camera Projecting...
Mar 23, 2014
Tutorial : Rigging a Character In After Effects
Here is a beginner's tutorial on two ways you can rig and animate a character in after effects. Let me know if you guys want an advanced...
Mar 17, 2014
Tutorial : C4D Camera Mapping and Camera Projection
Here is a beginner's tutorial that goes over Camera Mapping and Camera Projection (Camera Calibrator) in Cinema 4D. Let me know if you...
Jan 2, 2014
Tutorials : Much appreciated!
This is just a quick update on my tutorials. Thanks for all the great comments about my tutorials I did! Through youtube/vimeo messages...
Jun 6, 2013
Tutorial : 3ds Max : Material Editor
Here is a 3 part (30 min) tutorial about the Material Editor in 3ds Max. This gives you the basics on how to navigate, and understand...
Jun 1, 2013
Tutorial : 3ds Max : Ambient Occlusion
How do you do Ambient Occlusion in 3ds max? Well here are 3 different ways you can get it done! This is my first tutorial, so be easy on...
May 30, 2012
Welcome to my tutorial blog!
Oh hey there! Welcome to my tutorial blog! I cover anything that has to do with art, weather that be graphics or or animation. I would...
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